When will Foras be ready to launch?

It is difficult to predict when the beta version of Foras 1.0 will be ready for use.
Roughly, it can be said that it will be available in approximately 2021 or 2022.
If you want to be notified as soon as Foras is ready for launch, please fill out the contact form .
Just enter Foras 1.0 as the Message.

Is there a way to get more information on Foras?

Yes, it is possible to get more information about Foras, but you must be aware
that we do not want to and will not disclose some information.
However, you can always contact us via the contact form or by phone or e-mail and ask your questions.

What does beta-version mean?

A beta version of a program is a version that has not yet been completed.
The program is already usable in its basic functions, but has not yet been
fully tested for errors. Therefore, when using the beta, crashes or bugs may occur.